Author: Bridget Benelam, Nutrition Communications Manager at British Nutrition Foundation
During Ramadan fasting, those taking part abstain from all food and drink during daylight hours. So how can the food and drink we have before and after the daily fast support our health during the month of Ramadan?
Preparing for Suhoor
Before the daily fast there is a meal before dawn, called Suhoor in Arabic, where food and drink help to prepare for the day ahead. Carbohydrates are a key fuel, and the body can store some carbohydrates in the liver and muscles, which can then be used for energy during the day. So, carbohydrates are important to include before fasting, especially wholegrain types such as wholemeal breads and cereals, which provide extra fibre and nutrients.
Foods such as beans, lentils, eggs and yoghurt are also good to include at Suhoor as they provide important nutrients, and the protein they contain can increase fullness and keep us going during the fast.
An important ingredient to limit at suhoor is salt. Salt increases the sodium in the blood and stimulates thirst, which is not helpful during fasting. So, avoid having too many salty foods such as processed meats and hard cheeses and don’t add a lot of salt to food.
I am not an early morning person and don’t have much of an appetite before dawn! My go-to breakfast before the fast is natural yogurt, some fresh or dried fruit with nutty granola. It’s easy to prepare and eat, provides protein and fibre, and I find it keeps me going through the morning.
Breaking fast – Iftar
After sunset, the fast is broken with a meal called Iftar, allowing us to refuel and rehydrate. It’s very traditional to start the meal with dates and water or milk. Dates contain natural sugars providing energy and a drink helps to replace some of the fluid that we’ve lost during the day.
There are a huge variety of traditional Iftar dishes from around the world and the evening meal can be a joyful occasion, often eaten together with family and friends. Soups rich in beans, lentils and vegetables are often eaten in the middle east and north Africa. One side of my family is from Algeria, and we usually break the fast with ‘Chorba frik’ – a tomato and lamb soup with chickpeas, vegetables and freekeh grains, which is absolutely delicious!
Soups are a great way to break the fast as they provide fluid along with vegetables and pulses and are a gentle way to start a meal after the period of fasting. Many South Asian cultures break the fast with fruits, which provide natural sugars and fluid, providing energy and helping to rehydrate.
While it’s tempting to eat plenty after a day without food, overeating can make you feel tired and uncomfortable, so it’s important to eat slowly. Include plenty of vegetable and pulse-based dishes, along with some starchy foods such as rice, chapatis, bread or grains to provide a variety of plant-based foods.
There can be many delicious, deep-fried foods, such as samosas served at evening meals in Ramadan, as well as plenty of sweets! It’s natural to want delicious foods after fasting but going overboard on these can mean your Ramadan meals are not supporting good health. Limit deep fried and sweet foods, as well as sugary drinks. This can be especially challenging if you’re attending a big meal or buffet, where there are lots of different foods to choose from. In this situation, you could pick a couple of foods that are your favourite and stick to those rather than having something from every single dish.
Coming together to eat well
After sunset, the fast is broken with a meal called Iftar, allowing us to refuel and rehydrate. It’s very traditional to start the meal with dates and water or milk. Dates contain natural sugars providing energy and a drink helps to replace some of the fluid that we’ve lost during the day.
Ramadan meals are an integral part of the month of fasting – not only the foods and drinks they provide but also the opportunity for people to come together. Eating well when fasting is all about providing the fuel your body needs for good health. Ramadan is an opportunity to change our habits, and a wonderful chance to rebalance how we eat. Read more about creating a healthy Ramadan diet here.
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